Bad Girls of the Bible
Title: Bad Girls of the Bile
Author: Liz Curtis Higgs
Genre: Women's/Bible Study
Another book from one of my favorite authors, Liz Curtis Higgs! This book makes Bible study come alive! Liz has taken 10 ladies from the Bible and has provided in an in-depth character study of them. Some of the women mentioned in this book such as Jezebel and Potiphar's Wife are listed as "Bad to the Bone", while there are other un-named women with fascinating stories, who are "bad for a season, but not forever". I think no matter where you are in life, you will find yourself somewhere among the pages of this book.
Each chapter starts off with a modern day story then dives into the Biblical character study. At the end of the book is a study guide for each chapter. This is a fun book for small group study or for a Sunday School class. Workbooks can also be purchased separately. I thought it was great just for personal study. In case you can't get enough of these Bad Girls, there are 10 more stories to read in Liz's second book in the series Really Bad Girls of the Bible.
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