These High Green Hills
Title: These High Green Hills
Author: Jan Karon
Genre: Fiction
These High, Green, Hills is the third novel in the beloved Mitford series and this story once again takes you back to America’s favorite small town. The story starts of with Father Tim (Mitford’s rector and lifelong bachelor) and Cynthia (the fun loving next door neighbor) starting off their life as newlyweds.
New challenges emerge in this book the demands of parish life creep up on Cynthia and she tries to please the congregation by presenting a church wide tea. Of course, this involves re-decorating the rectory to imitate that of an Italian villa.
Dooly, the “throw-away” boy is entering into his teen years and still remains a main character of the book, although he is away at school. It is fun to watch him develop into a wonderful young man. He will spend the summer on the farm learning more about the life of an animal doctor.
A life changing camping trip gives Father Tim fresh revelation and a new computer in the church office keeps both Father Tim and Emma (his secretary) on their toes. A new character, Scott Murphy, is introduced into the story line, as he will serve as the Chaplin for Hope House. J.C. Hogan ties the knot with Mitford’s female police officer and we’ll say a sad good bye to one of Mitford’s favorite residents. Three sets of twins liven up the story and keep you on your toes!
I am thoroughly enjoying reading through this series and these characters are beginning to feel like friends. The gentle yet engrossing reading brings refreshment at the end of the day.