Saturday, August 05, 2006

The God Chasers

Title: The God Chasers
Author: Tommy Tenney
Genre: Christian Living

I just finished reading The God Chasers this week...for at least the 4th time. I know that it certainly won't be the last. Author Tommy Tenny describes a God chaser as an individual whose hunger for God exceeds his reach. A God chaser is one who has caught a glimpse of God, and their life has never been the same.

The book is formatted so that the average lay person can read and understand. There is 10 chapters full of intense information on chasing after God, who chased after God in the Bible, stories of different revivals throughout the world, and some of Tommy Tenny's personal revelation from the Lord. Every time I read this book, I'm driven to my knees in a deeper quest for my Saviour. I know He resides in me, but I long for that deeper relationship.

However, as with any Christian living book, this book is not the Bible. You must keep your Bible handy as you read this. I like how the author includes scripture references to go along with his text making it easy line up scripture with the book. I think it's important as a believer to not take just every single thing at face value, but to compare to the Scripture, which is our absolute truth.

There is an excellent study guide that goes along with The God Chasers that is great for individual or group study. There is also a second book out called The God Catchers, in additional to several other Christian living type books by the same author. Tommy Tenney has also done an excellent job on the Christian Fiction venue with his book Hadassah, One Night With the King (the movie is supposed to be in theatres this October). For more information on Tommy Tenney, you can check out his website at