Sunday, May 01, 2005


Title: Monster
Author: Frank Peretti
Genre: Fiction

Wow! This book is 419 pages of adrenaline. In conversation with people, prior to reading the book, we all wondered if Monster was going to be anything like The Oath. Well, it's not! Monster is absolutely nothing like The Oath. It's very fast paced and you can never tell what is going to happen next. Several times my breath was taken away by a plot change.

Reed and Beck are a happily married young couple who decide to go on a survivalist camping trip in the rugged woods of Idaho. Soon as they get to their destination point to meet their guide, things take a drastic change for the worse. They decide to stick to the plan and spend their first, and most unforgettable, night in the woods. But they weren't alone. Everything that happened that night is a blur to Reed, except for the huge creature that carried his wife into the darkness.

To tell anymore than that would give to much of the plot away and believe me, this plot has so many twists and turns. You would probably enjoy reading this book more than one time just to get all the pieces. One other helpful thing that Mr. Peretti included were maps at the beginning of each chapter to help you keep track of the characters and story line.

Enjoy reading Monster, but don't bring it along on any rustic camping trips this summer!


Blogger Jilb said...

Hmm.. sounds interesting.
Do you actually have all of these books or do you get them from the library?
I might have to borrow some from you when I am home.

9:38 PM  
Blogger JC said...

I have some of these books. I do have Monster, and you can borrow it, but I have about 3 people ahead of you! It's a fast read though.

8:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually may want to read this book. Just to see how Reed enjoys the bachelor life again. I bet he had the fellows over for poker and Cokes when she was gone. Did the authorities find her or was it an elaborate plot to flee the marriage?

Tommy Tuner

2:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read Monster in 3 days - it goes so fast! My husband is reading it now.
The plot twits are great and I really liked that there were maps at the end of each chapter so you can get an idea of the layout of the woods.
I would recommend this book to anyone who likes a good suspense novel. There is some blood and gore, but it all fits in the context. It was a great book.

7:56 AM  

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